Master Tung’s 44.24 Zheng Ji (正脊) Acupuncture Point
A three set of acupuncture points located on the Large intestine meridian, 2+4+6 Cun above Li-11.
Needle: perpendicular 0.5-1 cun deep.
Reaction area: Kidney- Spine, Heart , Liver branches.
Main Functions:
Open the meridians and collaterals, relaxing the tendons and ligaments, benefit the bones.
- For bone disorders such as: Bone spurs, spondylosis, scoliosis.
- Spine and vertebras disorders: Vertebral disc diseases or inflammation, sciatica. Du Mai disfunction or obstruction leading to pain and difficulty while bending the back.
- Since this Dao ma is related to the kidney, it can be used in chronic nephritis.
Major combinations:
- For treating vertebra or back spine disease combine 44.24 with 11.11 (Fei xin) and 11.12 (Er Jiao Ming).
- For lower back pain or sciatica combine 44.24 with 22.08+22.09 (Wan Shun Yi+ Wan Shun Er).
- For neck pain combine 44.24 with 77.01 (Zheng Jin) + 77.02 (Zheng Zong).
- For lumbar vertebra bone disfunction and pain combine 44.24 with 22.24 (Gu Guan) + 22.26 (Mu Guan).
5 Comments. Leave new
Please provide me with the title of good book for tung acupuncture theroy
How does it work ? Or evn notes is fine
Please provide me with the title of good book for
tung acupuncture theory
How does it work ? Or evn notes is fine
Hi Vinay,
There are some good books on Tung’s acupuncture.
Practical Atlas of Tung’s Acupuncture
Henry McCann
Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture Vol 1: The Dao Ma Needling Technique of Master Tung Ching Chang by Ching Chang Tung (Author), James H Maher (Author)
And you can find a lot of information on the internet. Good luck!
Very informative.thank you very much mam
You are welcome