Master Tung’s 77.05+ 77.06+ 77.07 The three weights acupuncture points
Master Tung’s three weights acupuncture points are located between the leg gall bladder and stomach Yang ming meridian. They are known as Dr. James Maher’s 77-05 Dao ma.
The character 重 can be read as “Zhong” (a heavy weight) or “Chong” (a layer). In the west this combination is known as the three weights combination but in Taiwan and China they are pronounced as “Chong” and are known as the three layers combination.
77.05 Yi zhong 【一重穴】 is located 3 cun proximal to the lateral malleolus, 1 cun anterior to the fibula.
77.06 Er zhong 【二重穴】 is located 2 cun above 77.05.
77.07 San zhong 【三重穴】is located 2 cun above 77.06.
This group is located between leg Shao yang gall bladder and leg Yang ming stomach channels, therefor it will have a major influence on wind, damp, phlegm conditions.
Needling: 1-2 cun. Bleeding is possible when there is a dark vein.
Reaction area: Heart, lung, spleen.
Since the points act on the spleen and the lung meridians (Tai yin), they are indicated in damp- phlegm situations. In Chinese medicine damp or phlegm are involved in inflammation, cysts or tumor conditions. In fact in master Tung’s acupuncture style, 77.05+ 77.06+ 77.07 are regarded as points for balancing earth phase.
The anatomical location of three weights Dao ma is between the gall bladder and stomach channels, this fact explains why they can influence the lateral side of the body. I use the three weights points (77-05 dao ma) a lot for lateral headache, facial paralysis or lateral neck pain, breast cyst, tonsillitis, thyroid disease and more.
From a mirroring point of view, if we mirror the calf to the head, we can also understand why the three weighs points are great for addressing the throat area. They can treat tonsillitis, thyroid disease and even breast tumors.
Main functions: Eliminate masses and blood stasis, break qi, move blood.
Since these points are affecting the body through stomach (relates to blood) and gall bladder meridians (relates to qi), they can balance these substances. Stomach is earth and gall bladder is wood- both organs treat phlegm and wind pathologies. When we reduce phlegm and wind, we can open the channels move qi, dissolve blood stasis.
- Thyroid dysfunction, Thyroid enlargement (Goiter) or cysts, bulging of the eyes, tonsillitis / laryngitis.
- Facial paralysis, migraine, liver organ disease.
- Breast tumor, fibrocystic breast disease, mastitis, abdominal lumps, brain tumor, meningitis, splenomegaly.
9 Comments. Leave new
Thanks a lot Madam. Very useful informations.
Is this points suitable for bartholins cyst?
This Dao ma is not specific to the vulva area, however the 3 weights combination have the ability to strengthen spleen qi and clear dampness. They can be chosen for treating inflammation or cysts so for bartholin’s cyst you can use 77.05+ 77.06+ 77.07 with 11.26 (Zhi wu), 11.25 (Zhi xian), 66.03 (Huo ying)+ 66.04 (Huo zhu)
Excellent explanation.
Thank you
good information/ Thanks
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