Acupuncture is very safe to have during pregnancy and is an effective option at a time when many women choose to avoid taking medicines to ease their conditions. This course elaborates the treatment of women during pregnancy, delivery and post-partum with Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. The aim of this comprehensive and detailed course is to provide a solid ground of knowledge and clinical experience in order to scutter the fear from treating pregnant women.
Course outline
- Introduction to pregnancy and delivery physiology from a western and traditional Chinese approach
- The treatment of common conditions during pregnancy: nausea and vomiting, hemorrhoids, abdominal pain and diarrhea, leg edema
- Avoiding miscarriage and recurrent miscarriage
- The treatment of high risk pregnancy: IUGR, pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes
- The treatment of pain during pregnancy: lower back pain and symphysiolysis
- The preparation for an efficient delivery with Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine
- The treatment of common post-partum conditions: insufficient lactation, post partum depression, uterine bleeding
Who is this seminar for?
This seminar is for practitioners who have completed their foundational Traditional Chinese medicine training and are interested in women’s health.