Master Tung’s Fu Ke 11.24 name is “gynecology” indicating its function treating almost any kind of gynecological symptoms.
Fu 妇 Woman
Ke 科 Branch
Fu Ke 11.24 is a two acupuncture point unit, located on the ulnar aspect of the proximal phalangeal bone of the thumb, on the F line. Divide the phalange into thirds to locate the points at the 1/3 and 2/3 meeting junctions, between the red and white skin. In Taiwan Dr. Hu Wen Zi locate Fu ke in a five point unit, I usually choose two.
Needling: 0.2-0.3 Cun close the bone on the red and white skin. From dorsal to palmar side. The point is needled on one side and we switch between the sides from treatment to treatment.
Reaction area: Uterus and Six Fu organs
Point action: influence the Ren and Dai mai channels, regulates menstruations, regulate the Dai Mai, open the lower Jiao.
The point supports the kidney since it balances Lung- Bladder- Kidney meridians.
We can think of Fu ke when we see a disharmony in Tai yin – lung- spleen channels.
Point combinations:
For fertility difficulties add Huan Chao 11.06 on the opposite hand. Change sides each week.
For dysmenorrhea add 66.05 (Men Jin) on the opposite leg with 22.05 (Ling gu) and Liv 2+ Liv3 crossed.
2 Comments. Leave new
The explanations of the use of Fu Ke are great! Sorry, I had to start with this my notes, I was concerned with the needling location only in my previous note! Thanks a lot!
Glad you find this article useful!