Master Tung’s 11.06 Huan Chao Acupuncture point
The name of this point is “return to the nest”, reflecting that this point can regulate the uterus or this region. In my personal point of view the word “return” has also an image or a hint for the characteristics of the point- it has a movement quality. It can open passages, or it can connect “Tong” 通 us back to our uterus.
Huan Chao 11.06 is located at the ulnar side of the middle phalange of the ring finger. On the E line.
In Taiwan Dr. Li Guo Zheng and his teacher Dr. Hu Wen zhi place this point on the radial side while in the west Dr. Wei-Chieh Young places this point on the ulnar side.
The point is located on the ring finger. According to muster Tung’s palm diagnosis the 4th finger is indicative for liver meridian disorders. From a TCM point of view Huan Chao 11.06 is on the triple warmer meridian. Accordingly we must remember that the nature of the point will serve us to open the channels and create a state of flow. Think of it when there is a blockage or a stagnation in the uterus or the ovaries. The point on the triple warmer channel according to Zang Fu Bei Tong system, balance and treat the kidneys.
Needling: 0.2-0.3 cun, below the phalange bone on the red and white skin. If you want to influence the kidney puncture very close to the bone. Needling is performed on one side only.
Reaction area: Liver, Kidney
Point action:
For various problems related to stagnation and blockage in the channels mainly in the aspect of the genital region and fertility.
- Menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, infertility.
- Threatening miscarriage and bleeding during pregnancy.
- Ovarian cysts, malignancies, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, ovarian cancer.
- Excessive vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, bloody or yellow discharge, swelling of the genitalia, vulvodynia.
- Frequency of urination.
Point combinations:
- With Fu ke 11.24 for various gynecology issues. When we use these points together the advice is to puncture each point on the opposite side and change the sides each treatment.
- For dysmenorrhea combine 11.06 (Huan Chao) with 11.24 (Fu ke) and 66.05 (Men jin).
- For vulvodynia combine 11.06 (Huan Chao) with 22.05 (Ling gu), Liv2, Liv3.