San Cha San 22.17 (A.04) 三叉三 Master Tung’s Acupuncture Point
The word San 【三】is three, Cha 【叉】is a fork or an intersect. The name refers to the location of the third junction on the hand, between the forth and the fifth phalanges intersection. This point is on the third intersection of the hand, between the forth and the fifth phalanges.
At the junction of the fourth and fifth phalanges, on the dorsum of the hand.
Needle: When needling one should make a soft fist. Insert the needle 1-1.5 cun deep, along the space between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones.
Reaction area: Kidney area
Main Functions:
Nourishes the kidney, relief pain, benefit the kidney, drain urine.
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