By Keren Zelicha
初湖和绝经的大致年龄 – Age of first and last period:
Menstruation timing is from the age of 11-18 (average of 12) . One year after the menarche Kidney qi isn’t yet prosperous and full so menstruation can be unstable and step by step is changing into a regular period. The menstruation time will continue till the age of 49.
月经的周期 – Menstruation Cycle:
Average of 28 days, in the area of 21-35 days, bleeding amount is about 50-80 ml.
月经的经期 – The time of menstruation:
The length of menstrual bleeding is between 3-5 days and can be prolong till 7 days. Dark red or purple red color in the beginning , at the end the color is pale. No clots, stickiness, or smell. Amount of bleeding is around 50-100 cc. the first day the amount can be little ;at the 2-3 day the amount is larger; at the 4th day the amount can be little again.
Constitution, age, climate, place of living and living habits are factors which affect menstruation, some changes can be seen.
月经期的一般反应 – Symptoms during menstruation:
Some women can have light pain or fullness in the stomach, sore back, uncomfortable in the breast, mood changes…but the affect on the woman’s work is little. After the period the symptoms all vanish.
These symptoms appear because of imbalanced qi & blood which influences Chong –Ren. This leads to problems of liver qi flow & damage of Zheng qi .In most cases there is no need for treatment. In cases of problems in early menstruation the pathology can be pre-heaven qi xu. Kd qi and chong- ren qi are also deficient, therefore qi & blood, yin & yang becoming out of balance. This can affect the women’s life condition and need to be treated.
月 经 生理 的 异常 现象 – The abnormal phenomena of menstruation:
menstruation every 2 months –bing yue 并月
menstruation every 3 months –ju jing or ji jing 居经 或 季经
menstruation once a year – bi nian 避年
nonappearance of menstruation for life or monthly backache with no menstrual flow – an jing 暗经
regular menstruation during pregnancy without damaging the fetus –Ji jing or Sheng tai 激经 或 盛抬.
Menstruation is relayed on normal function of zang fu, prosperity of qi and blood, maturity of the woman circle (tian gui – 7 years) and flow of meridians. The uterus depend on zang – fu, channels, qi & blood, tian gui. The most important part of menstruation is blood. Blood creation is depended on zang-fu, it is transferred to the uterus by the meridians, therefore normal tian gui, healthy zang – fu, fullness of qi-blood free flow of jing-luo, will bring a normal menstruation.
Tian gui 天 癸 – 7 years cycle:
The tian gui is one of the important materials of the body which is installed in the kidney and brain. It is in charge of growth, life and physical health. It is related to pre-heaven qi, and influenced by the kidney’s condition. According to the full condition of kd qi the production of tian kui is progressing – maturing.
The pre-heaven qi and post heaven qi are the main energies to influence tian gui. The first material that produces tian gui is pre-heaven qi but it is relayed on the post heaven’s nourishment. When pre heaven qi exists tian gui is produced, therefore menstruation can appear. Tian gui in women is responsible for menstruation and in men for sperm.
Kd deficiency will lead to tian gui non sufficient, flow of qi & blood in chong-ren declines, causing menstruation and pregnancy problems. The maturity of tian gui is 14 years old in women and 16 in men.
Tian gui is divided into 5 periods:
1. Young years – the girl is 7 years old, the kd qi is building up gradually.
2. Growing stage—the girl is 14 years, tian gui is promoting fullness and flowing of chong ren, menstruation starts with physical changes. This can be form 12-18 years.
3. Maturation – body physical condition is strong, jing is full, ovulation is normal and menstruation is regular. This period start at age of 18 till 30.nei jing: ” in the age of 21 the kd qi is balanced, the teeth are strong in the age of 28 the bones-tendons are firmed, body is in good condition”.
4. Adult period –the changes from maturation period to old age. Ren & chong becoming week therefore menstruation is not stabled, there are other signs which indicate imbalance. 45-55 years.
5. Old age– menstruation stops, incapability to get pregnant, neijing:” in the age of 49 ren & chong become week, tian gui is little and not flowing, appearance is changing.”
Zang fu:
Blood is one of the main basics materials in women, and is the foundation of menstruation. The production of blood is by Zang-fu. Heart controls blood, liver restores it, sp is interacted with blood. Sp –St are the main to produce blood, Kd restores jing which can change into blood, lungs control qi and can influence it’s flow and quantity (qi produces blood and moves it). So we can say the zang-fu can influence blood creation and balance. When zang fu are balanced, qi-blood is flowing freely, blood is nourished and in full quantity therefore menstruation is regulated.
Related to pre-heaven qi, is the root of yuan qi, restores jing qi therefore regulates the growth and development of the body. Kidney restores jing which controls the bones and produces marrow and brain. Marrow produces blood, the brain has connection with tian gui. It can nourish the fetus, and balance menstruation. After the development of kd qi, the period is coming on time. Kd jing enters the uterus, regulating menstruation and pregnancy. After 49 years kd qi is less, tian gui is weak, period stops, growth ability stops therefore we can say kd has a close relationship with menstruation.
Liver restores blood and balances blood quantity, responsible of free flowing of qi and blood. When liver qi is flowing free blood is moving, causing regular period. Liver blood enters chong-ren meridians, producing menstruation. Liver and ren meridian connects in cv-2, through this point CV gets its nourishment and liver can influence the uterus. If the function of keeping the free flow of qi and restoring blood is well balanced then menstruation will be normal.
The basic of post heaven qi and the source of production of qi & blood are depended on the function of spleen organ. When SP qi is strong, T&T is normal and the amount of blood is optimal. Week Sp qi causing qi not flowing and blood circulation isn’t normal – bleeding can happen.
Sp-St are the collectors of food and drinks and transform them into qi and blood, therefore it is said that chong-ren are depended on the middle jiao. When St receives food chong- sea of blood is full and menstruation is normal.
Heart controls blood and moves it in the vessels. All is depended on Ht qi, when Ht qi and blood are full, Ht qi is flowing down and the vessels free, then the uterus can be nourished by blood.
Control qi and transform it to all the meridians. It reaches the uterus and influences the menstruation cycle.
Every zang organs soul has also a major influence on the cycle.
The relation between Qi – blood and menstruation:
Women are influenced mainly by blood amount and flow. Menstruation is compounded by blood which is manufactured by zang-fu organs. Qi control blood (can do T&T and can move blood), blood is the mother of qi(helps produce qi) they are both depended on each other. Menstruation’s production is based on blood and the ability of qi to move blood. Balance of qi & blood can assure stable cycle.
The relation between jing-lou and menstruation cycle:
Jing lou connecting the outer surface of the body and the organs, links up interior-exterior, passes from upper body to lower body connecting all organs into a whole. Jing lou transforms qi & blood to all small units, nourishing all the body. The 8 extra ordinary vessels (chong -ren –du- dai are the most important) can balance the12 meridian’s qi and blood.
The meaning of Chong is surging and full. It flows in the small abdomen and correspond to the yin part of the body. Its direction is up and is anterior to the spine, it divides the body into 2 sides. The meridian connects with St Meridian therefore receives post heaven nourishment of qi & blood, the same corresponds with kidney meridian therefore has a pre heaven qi influence. Yuan qi (pre heaven) and jing qi (nourished by post heaven qi) are collected in the chong. Both have a major physiology effect on women’s life. Chong is the sea of zang fu organs and 12 meridians. Through it, the meridians are full, yang is flowing and warming the muscles, and the 3 yin vessels are nourished.
Ren meridian is responsible for nourishment. It circulates in the lower abdomen, corresponds to the yin part of the body. It collects all the yin part of the body therefore is the house of yin including jing, blood, jin,ye. It nourishes the uterus and the fetus(the meridian rises from the uterus). If ren qi is free menstruation and pregnancy are normal.
The governor meridian is responsible for yang nourishment of the body, moves upward along the spine. Because kidney and the spine have a relationship pre heaven qi and yuan qi are also linked with him. Ren and du meridians balance the yin & yang of the body therefore harmonizing menstruation.
Has the function of restraining the amount of qi and blood circulating in menstruation time.
Chong ren and du meridians rise from the uterus, all are surrounded by dai meridian, their function is to nourish the 12 meridians and to maintain normal menstruation.
The uterus has also an important influence on the cycle. It is hollow therefore related to fu organs but restores jing therefore is also related as a zang organ. It has a restore function as during pregnancy and an expel function as in menstruation. Chong, ren, uterus meridian (Bao Mai), all have the function of connecting the uterus with the regular meridians and organs. Uterus meridian is related to kidney and heart, all are influencing pregnancy and menstruation. “When cold enters the uterus and zang organ pregnancy is difficult, when cold is in the uterus meridian menstruation problems occur”.
Physiology in gynecology
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