By: Keren Zelicha
Coronavirus is an infectious disease related to warm epidemic disease (温疫) category in Chinese medicine and specifically to Damp plaque.
Beside the six excesses pathogens in TCM theory, (the Liu yin 六淫: Wind, Cold, Summer heat, Damp, Dryness and Fire), the Wen Bing theory also mentions toxic heat (温毒) and epidemic 疫疠 pathogens. These toxic pathogens can be spread around us quickly regardless which climate or season.
In Chinese medicine theory, Corona virus may be an epidemic evil pathogen that can be categorized as:
Li qi 戾气 (Perverse qi).
Yi li 疫疠 (Epidemic pestilence).
Li qi 疠气 (Pestilential qi).
Za qi 杂气 (Miscellaneous qi).
Du qi 毒气 (Toxic qi).
All are descriptions of highly contagious epidemic pathogens that can be transmitted through the mouth and nose or by direct contact.
The Yellow emperor (Su wen chapter 72) writes about epidemic disease [1]:
Yellow emperor said: I have heard that when the five types of epidemic disease attack, they are very contagious with similar symptoms observed on adults and children alike.
From this we can start to understand the nature of an epidemic evil qi, it spread out quickly and it attacks all ages.